Sunday, September 4, 2011

Chinese slowdown to occur?

In one year, the Chinese economy will perform poorly. That is, they will have a recession This could be a technical recession from a gross rate of say 10% per year to 3% per year, then it is a recession. You also shouldn't believe in the gross GDP that China reports. If you adjust for the real rate of inflation, then true growth is even slower.  

See report at :

But the question to be asked are:-

a) will u be putting in money into the American market and the possible decline in dollar.
b) Eurozone issues such as Greece is still not resolved and Spanish home loan defaults are rising rapidly.
c) Najibnomics to occurs after GE13? Massive inflationary pressures?

What would be a sustainable/growing economic system for the next 5-10 years?

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